Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Echo! Echo! Echo. echo....

I haven't been keeping up with my 30-day challenge at all.  I guess, with every challenge comes the opportunity to not succeed and provides the chance to learn and grow, instead.  I decided today that I wanted to deactivate my Facebook account, so I'm not even sure this will be read, aside from the 4 people that subscribe to my blog.  It was a spur-of-the-moment, "I don't want this anymore" feeling that I'm prone to get and then do something drastic (although deactivating an account is hardly drastic).  It's drastic enough for this mom, though, who can no longer use these feeling to go socialize with elephants.

I say "elephants," because it's what I've been conditioned to say instead of the word "strangers."  I could say that it's a long story and not tell it because of that, but it's not a long story.  I just don't feel like elaborating on (or maybe reliving) it.

"His name used to be Tiggles! But now it's Lubberclub!"

I guess I just felt the need for a "cleansing" of sorts.  I noticed a bad change with Facebook in my life, mostly involving the attention that it was taking, when I know I could use that time, energy, or attention on something better like my daughter, homework, reading, or hobbies.  I even decided to delete all the mind-numbing apps on my phone (save for some games).  If it was an app that is also a website, it got deleted.  If I really wanted to indulge in what the app provided, I decided I would just get on the actual website, when I decide to use my time for browsing the internet.

Believe it or not, I actually feel great about this!  I'm going to focus more on the things that matter most to me and interact with those around me on a more personal level.  I think this feeling is the real meaning of a "New Years Resolution," and, hopefully, having this passion for such an important change will motivate and encourage, not only me, but others around me.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

When Tommy Was Stolen

I clearly remember the first major thing that was stolen from me.

I was the new kid in middle school: 6th grade, to be exact.  And, when not busy riding my bike into bushes or swimming in our apartment's pool, I spent my time doing what every kid in 6th grade does best--trying to fit in.  This did not come easily for me, but I tried nonetheless.

Tommy Hilfiger was unusually popular at the time.  My cousin had a tight-fitting black shirt that simply said "tommy," and I adored it.  I felt like royalty when she let me wear it.  "Can't you see how awesome I am in this shirt? See, it says Tommy."  On a Christmas visit to Oklahoma, my dad got me this really trendy little Tommy Hilfiger purse.  I loved it.  I was so proud to take it to school after the break, and, true to most adolescents, I just knew the world noticed me wearing it.

One day after school, I was wrapping up a conversation with one of my teachers when I suddenly realized that I didn't feel the slight weight of my purse on my shoulder.  Panic immediately struck.  I aimlessly bumbled all over the halls of my school, checking every place that I might have left it.  When I thought, finally, that I had remembered where it was, I rushed to the classroom.  Two girls were leaving.  I ran to my desk; it wasn't there.  My heart sank.  I asked the girls if they had seen my purse, and gave them a short description.  One girl looked me right in the eyes, smiled, and said she hadn't.  Even then, I knew that was a lie, but what was I to do?

Luckily, all that was really in there was my library card, my Bath & Body Works Kids Klub card (on which my first name was misspelled, but I didn't care because all the cool kids had them), and maybe some change or notes from friends.  But just knowing that I was looking the girl who took my purse right in the face and couldn't do anything (I was new, young, and had no proof--plus, she was one I really didn't want to mess with) just bothered me to pieces.  It still to this day pops into my head, and because of that one day, I will never forget her name or face.

This girl even had the nerve to wear it to school.  She gave it a little time, the smarty pants, but I knew it was mine.  I've always known it was mine.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Feathered Nonsense

When I put Olivia down to bed last night, I had every intention of coming back to write a post, but ended up falling into a very deep, wonderful sleep.  After a busy day at the Birth Fair, I guess I really needed the rest!

I started this post this morning, with the intention of writing something fun (a poem, story, etc) as a way to "make up" for my lost day, but nothing came to me..... Guess that means I need to start working on my creative-writing skills!

When I started this 30-day challenge, I thought it would be so easy, but it's really not!  I've been sitting here like a bump on a pickle, just staring at my screen. "Come on.... come on.... Think! Think!" Nothing.  Maybe, just maybe, that simply means that I have nothing worth saying.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Talk Nerdy To Me

What better topic for May the Fourth (be with you) than games?

Right now, I'm playing Skyrim.  I know, I know--It came out a year & a half ago and it's old news.  But not for me!  I picked it up a little over a year ago to see what all the hub-bub was about, but panicked when a dragon started attacking me (I didn't even know what was going on!) and quit the game.  So, this past Christmas, after watching my mom play, I decided to try it again.  It's a lot of fun!  I'm still pretty new to it, but it's been my favorite thing to indulge in during baby's nap time every now and then.

Next on the list is Ni No Kuni & Tomb Raider, but I'm not sure which to start with or when that will actually be.  Never really thought I'd love playing video games so much, but it really is a lot of fun!  Feel free to recommend your favorites.

Ever since we left Alaska, we haven't been playing as many board games (no more weekly game night with our favorite people), but I have found a gaming group that meets randomly for both the light-hearted games we love as well as the crazy, in-depth games.  Plus, it's been challenging & fun finding good two-player games that we can play after the baby goes to sleep.  I really miss our game nights, though, and look forward to getting our home together so that we can start hosting again!

Life is a bit more fun with good people playing good games, no?

Friday, May 3, 2013

Science Friday!

Upon reaching this site, three delicious words filled my screen.

It wasn't magic, no.  I subscribe to Simply Scratch and that's her latest entry.  Why have I never thought to add roasted garlic to guacamole (or everything, for that matter)?  Click link above for recipe.

Anyways, this morning has been nice, despite the fact that my daughter has been getting up with my husband instead of her normal 8:00am.  She brings me books to read to her, and I, through half-open eyes, try my absolute best to please her.  Luckily, they're all pretty simple: What does a cow say? That's right, oink....

Time for coffee.

It has been unusually hot here in Monterey, and, according to the latest facebook posts from my friends in Oklahoma and Texas, they are experiencing colder than normal weather.  A month ago, I would've scrolled past, noting the facts, perhaps even commenting something cheerful/supportive.  However, this kind of thing happens to be exactly what we're talking about in my oceanography class, and now I will share it with you.  Because it's freaking cool.  Science!

Humor me, if you will, and just accept these facts (for the Northern Hemisphere) without me having to go into too much detail (I can if you want): 

1.  Low Pressure Systems cause the air around it to move counter-clockwise.
2.  High Pressure Systems cause the air around it to move clockwise.

Let's look at California.  Low Pressure Systems (air moves counter-clockwise around it) are bringing warm air up from the south.  This usually happens in the winter, giving this area a very moderate climate year-round.  You can even see that pretty little clump of clouds over the Baja Peninsula making a counter-clockwise spiral! Pretty neat, eh?

Now, Texas and Oklahoma.  High Pressure Systems (clockwise) are pulling down cool air from the North, giving those areas colder than normal weather.

Now you will know a little more about what the heck those meteorologists are talking about when they babble on about Pressure Systems like I just did! Ha!

Isn't science fun?

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The 30 Day Challenge: May

Last year, my husband and I watched a short TED talk about taking a 30 day challenge to try new things--things that could possibly change our lives forever. (Watch the TED talk here.)  Although, I haven't done anything life-changing thus far, I did dedicate April to writing a letter every day.  It was a lot of fun!  Granted, I didn't end up doing one letter per day, but I have noticed a change in me that I'd like to keep.  I mean, I found myself spilling secrets to my childhood best friend all over again like we were twelve!  How fun is that?  Plus, I've been extremely impressed with how many letters I got back.  Snail mail is fun to get in this era of technology, technology, technology!

On that note, this month, I want to do a big 180 and blog every day.  It may seem silly, but it's something that I've enjoyed doing in the past and feel like it could be a way to use technology to enhance my bond with others, instead of the typical "technology zombie" mode that we all unknowingly fall into.

Plus, I have some surprises up my sleeve! Yay surprises!

(Should this post count as Day 1? Hmm.... You tell me!)

Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye, 2012

I'm pretty positive that I can't be alone when I sit here, pleasantly warm from a glass of Papaya-Chili Champagne and the gentle heat of a radiator, blinking slowly and watching the clock in sheer anticipation that soon it will be midnight, and, soon, I can go to bed.

It's been a great year, but I'm very much looking forward to 2013!
Is it midnight yet?